Efforts to the environment

We engage in environmental improvement activities to conserve and ensure the global environment. We launched a self-management plan for emissions of harmful air pollutants in FY 1999 and obtained ISO 14001 certification for the environmental management systems of the Chiba plant and Chiba laboratory in 2001. We then acquired certification for the Oppama plant and Oppama laboratory and the Yokkaichi plant.
Environmental policy
“We attempt continuous improvement of environmental conversation activities by constructing an environmental management system and setting environmental purposes and targets by constantly aiming at co-existence and coprosperity with society.
We also make efforts to prevent environmental pollution and comply with related laws and regulations on the environment and other requirements while promoting the following guidelines for environmental activities.”
Guidelines for the environmental policy
- We try to reduce environmental loads by promoting the saving of energy and resources.
- We try to reduce generated wastes by promoting resource recycling.
- We try to prevent pollution in consideration of the effects of chemicals on the environment.
- We try to develop environmentally friendly products.
- We try to make all employees aware of the environmental policy through internal and external publicity activities and education.
- We distribute or disclose the environmental policy if internally and externally required.